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Web Site of the BAWAZIR Abbasid Hashimite Family

Bawazir is an Abbasid Hashimite family known with this name (Wazir in Arabic means minisiter) because of its lineage to Ali bin Tarad the Minister of the two Abbasid Caliphs, al-Mustarshid and al-Muqtafi. He is also named as the Great Minister, Abul Qasim Ali Sharafuddien. He is a descendant of al-Abbas (Uncle of Prophet Mohammad PBUH) bin Abdulmuttalib bin Hashim bin Abdumanaf.

THIS is a socio-cultural forward-looking site that aims at providing information about the Bawazir family to the new generations of Bawazirs and assist them to communicate among themselves. 

If you would like to contribute any information on or of interest to Bawazir family, suggestions, or participate in site development and administration, please contact: the administrator.

Bawazir Lineage. Click here to see an Image of the  Arabic Source.

The Great Grandfather of the Bawazir Family: Sheikh Mohammad bin Salim bin Abdullah known as (Moula Araf). He is the first man from the Bawazir family born in Hadhramout. He is the only heir to the Yaqoub bin Yousef Al-Abbasi in that country. There is no descendant for the Yaqoub bin Yousef except his son Abdullah who is the grandfather of Mohammad bin Salim. He died in (Araf) village. His burial place is well known there nowadays. All Bawazirs in Hadhramout are of his ancestry.

Full Lineage: Mohammad bin Salim bin Abdullah bin Yaqoub bin Yousef bin Ali Al-Wazir bin Tarad bin Mohammad bin Ali bin Al-Hasan bin Mohammad bin Sulaiman bin Abdullah Al-Zainabi bin Mohammad bin Ibrahim Al-Imam bin Al-Imam Mohammad Al-Kamil bin Al-Imam Ali Al-Sajjad bin Abdullah bin Al-Abbas (Uncle of Prophet Mohammad PBUH) bin Abdulmuttalib bin Hashim bin Abdumanaf.

من تراث الأسرة